Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's The 6th Anniversary of My 21st Birthday: Make A Wish For Me

AUGUST 10, 2011. 12:03 AM.

It's my birthday. I decided to write a blog. I'm really not good at this so please forgive me if you see errors along the way and realize I'm not making any sense. Again, it's my birthday so just bear with me, okay?

It's the 6th anniversary of my 21st birthday and I don't know exactly what to feel. (Yeah, I stopped aging at 21 and I'm just celebrating it's anniversary every year. If you think I'm awesome for saying that, haha - i just got it from someone. Well, atleast you first heard it from me and you can always copy. Hehe :) Anyway, I came from work feeling exhausted and it was just the second day of my training. Training was really fast-paced, mostly web-based and you get to apply it right away. Definitely not your typical classroom training when you can have time to chit-chat with your  co-trainees and not pay attention to your trainer. Here, you really need to pay close attention to what you're doing, follow instructions and focus on what you're doing 'cause if not, you're gonna be left behind. I feel glad that I was able to finish all my tasks today before the end of the day especially the script that I will be using for my video shoot tomorrow for my company introduction. Yeah right, I'll be a film actor tomorrow! LOL. Now, you are beginning to get confused about what I'm up to and what's with my new job. I'll explain it on my next blogs. (hopefully).

Exhausted yet happy. My mind's blank. I'm confused. Maybe because I've been out of a job for one and a half months and it's not sinking in to me yet that "Dads, you're gonna be reporting to the office again everyday. And you need to follow rules. You need to learn new skills fast. You need to adjust with the new people you're gonna work with. You can't waste time anymore on Facebook, Twitter and your new baby Google+." Haha. Well, honestly I'm really grateful about this new job and it's like heaven's birthday gift to me. I waited this for more than two months from the time I decided to leave my job in an architectural firm. I saw the job posting, I believed I'm qualified with the position and I thought I can pass the exam - right at that moment, I decided I'm gonna resign. Well, it took months of thinking of course and a lot of considerations, when I had that moment - I thought I was ready for the opportunity. And that's it. I passed the exam the week after, got a job offer with the training schedule that I cannot commit to right away. Of course, I need to resign properly right and finish all my pending tasks. I was supposed to start my training the week after my resignation effectivity but unfortunately it was postponed. And was postponed again. I applied for another position with the same company, but another person was chosen. Weeks passed and finally the day that I have been waiting for has come. We had our Super Saturday last weekend as part of the orientation and getting-to-know activities and started my official first day of training yesterday. That's it.

But why am I here on this job? And why do I need to leave the architectural profession again? Well....IT'S A LONG STORY. I'll explain it later with my next blogs. (hopefully) Just think it this way, this is part of a BIGGER plan and I believe God gave me this opportunity for a purpose. And for the nth time, I am going out of my comfort zone again. This will not be easy but I know I can do it. (I should be telling this to myself now...) I'm considering this as a Back-To-School moment for me where I will be learning new skills, I will be meeting new people, I will be gaining new friends and I will be discovering new passions that will be beneficial for my future plans. Isn't that nice? I'm back to school but I didn't pay any tuition fees - I'm paid to be there instead and a lot of perks comes with it. 

I'm sure not all of you will understand my decisions. Even with my parents, I'm sure I'm gonna have a hard time explaining this to them and make them understand. And that's part of the birthday wishes rather birthday prayers that I wanna get from the people who would like to give me a heartfelt greeting on this (I think) special day of my life. 

You have known me as a Dreamer. Through The Dreamers Pad, I had a medium to share my dreams and aspirations in life, the things that inspire me and motivate me, the people I look up to and serve as my role models, the learnings I had and the challenges I've been facing, even my mistakes and fears and weaknesses. My life has been an open diary to everyone inside my online community and it has been an overwhelming experience to know that I've been touching other people's lives. I can't be the perfect example of  a successful person... yet... but I believe I can be a one simple example of a person dreaming BIG and taking his journey to the so-called place, Land of My Dreams. 

On this day, since it's the 6th Anniversary of my 21st Birthday - let's make this a little different.
Instead of the simple-almost-no-emotion-happy-birthday-greeting-that-you're-gonna-post-on-my-facebook-wall, just do this for me, if you're willing and if you don't get offended with what I just said. Haha (I'm just kidding!) Of course, I appreciate all of your birthday greetings for me. Thank you guys! :) 

I'm gonna be sharing my dreams and goals and you will be choosing one of them and make-a-wish for me that hopefully the universe will make it come true for me. Clear? Ready?

1. MAKE A WISH FOR MY PARENTS. My Nanay is 64, my Tatay is turning 65 this year. This is my most urgent goal - I wanna make them stop working as soon as possible and give them all the comforts in life they truly deserve.
But I do pray that they will understand that I want to do it my way. That working abroad is not the only solution. I want to fulfill my promise without having to lose myself. It's not pride and it's not fear - it's just me. I just want to make a difference. With this kind of risky and unpopular choice, I pray to God every day that He will keep my parents healthy and strong, away from sickness and danger and that they will have more time in this world so that they can still enjoy the comfortable life I wanna give them - as soon as possible. 

2. MAKE A WISH FOR THE WORLD. I said I wanna make a difference. Yes, I am serious about that. I wanna make a difference to other people's lives, create a positive social change, make this world a better place. Having this big idealistic dreams makes me excited to get up every morning and do a-little-something-about-it every single day. It motivates me to make a change for myself, within myself and about myself. I wanna be a better person so that I can be a better example to others. I always pray to God to make me the right person for these dreams. THE DREAMERS PAD is gonna be my way to fulfill these dreams. The Dreamers Pad now has a better mission. A social purpose. I hope and pray that as I go to this direction, more and more people will be open to listen to what I have to share and will be willing to see what's inside The Dreamers Pad. I wish that God will give me more wisdom to do every thing properly and make wise decisions so that I can fulfill my mission to help other people reach their dreams, give the right education children deserve, protect the environment, uplift the lives of the farmers, help the country's economy, and start a-worldwide-movement-of-positive-change. So Help Me God. 

3. MAKE A WISH FOR THE DREAMER IN ME. I have to protect my dreams and the dreamer in me. Without those dreams, I will be nothing. Without that dreamer-in-me, I wouldn't be here in this world anymore. I will just easily give up and maybe give in to all-what-this-cruel-world-has-to-say. It's not easy to live with these dreams running, juggling, tumbling in my mind every day. I wish I can just turn my back on these dreams and walk away but I believe God has planted these dreams in my mind and in my heart for a purpose. And I wanna follow that with all my heart. Please pray and wish for me that I will stay strong and healthy so that I can make all these dreams a reality. Make a wish for me that I will be wiser so that I can make the right choices. Make a wish for me that I will have patience, persistence, confidence and determination to face all the challenges and road blocks along the way so that I can continue to my journey towards the fulfillment of my dreams - not for myself, but for someone else. For my Nanay. For my Tatay. For all my loved ones. For all of you. For the children. For the farmers. For the environment. For this country. And for this world. 

These are my three BIG WISHES for my birthday. You can now make-a-wish for me and pray that  I will stay on the path that God has directed me to. I will appreciate all your comments, opinions, suggestions and violent reactions about the things I wrote here. Please feel free write something here. Thank you, my dear friends and followers. ☺ 


This is Dads Valencia saying "Dream. Dare. Do.".

-END- 3:01 AM

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